Day 032:
Today, the post-modern compression of space and time is not embodied by the technology of warp-speed, teleportation, or translocation, but by the mobile phone.
Through the mobile phone, we, several million individuals, find ourselves connected to each other at the gut and core of our person. Our thoughts, no matter how trivial are transmitted instantaneously, across large distances. Our person is liberated from its corporal confines into a simulacrum of representations in the “cyberspace” where we may become whoever we want to become to whomever we want to reveal ourselves to. Although there are nights we might be alone, we are never alone. At the tips of our fingers, we talk, chat and enjoy ourselves with countless people everywhere.
The difficulty between geographic distance (also indirectly temporal limitations) is eliminated by technology. Relationships are instantaneous, consistent, and effortless. But why is loneliness still painfully apparent in our society?
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