Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 089: Under Construction

Day 089:

[edited to reduce noise]

I couldn't sleep. I had a lot on my mind. Not so happy thoughts. As semi-catharsis. I did the brave thing. I took my camera, a tripod, and a warm hoodie. I stepped outside the house for a short stroll. I went to the college and back. I snapped a few night shots, of the streets. Total time... 10 minutes, tops. I was afraid someone would notice me and take interest in the stuff I was lugging around. So I took what shots I could, then I scurried on home. This shot was one of my shots tonight. [Note: Tripods are a blessing from God.]

Under construction.

There's a field in pediatrics, named developmental pediatrics. Come to think of it, there is a subspecialty of psychology also called developmental psychology. They're very similar, often dealing with pre-adult individuals, marking milestones and growth, whether physical, social, cognitive or emotional. But this field, especially with the nomer of the MD specialty may be misleading. It gives the impression that childhood or pediatric patients are in the "Developing" stage while adults would fall under the "developed" stage. But come to think of it, we make most of the mistakes that actually matter (and therefore become anecdotal life lessons for us), as we get older. The older we are, the more we are "developing" into who we ought to be.

Erikson made so much sense.

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